Recurring races throughout the Zelda franchise helps keep the games familiar to the players. If you come across a Goron, or a Zora, you know you’re playing Zelda game, and are even sure to see some sort of fire and/or water themed dungeons and puzzles. Breath of the Wild brought back the Rito, who have until then only been seen in The Wind Waker. A lot of players really liked that, and it even inspired some debate about how the Zora and the Rito could coexist in one game, as the Rito are an evolutionary product of previous Zora.

This brings up the question: What other races should be brought back in future Zelda games, aside from the usual? Personally, I’d love to see the Kikwi again. They were very hedgehog-like creatures from The Surface in Skyward Sword. It would be interesting to see them resurface in a game set perhaps after Breath of the Wild. And one could wonder how they survived, getting from Skyward Sword to the latest game in the timeline.

What about you? Perhaps you’re interested in seeing more of the Minish, or the Twili? Do you think Nintendo should keep bringing back old races, or introduce new ones? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

This Daily Debate was inspired by Discord user @r2d93#7722.

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