The Friday after Thanksgiving is well known as Black Friday, a day when retailers across the country and other parts of the world offer significant discounts on items to jump start the holiday season. Black Friday has been going on for years, but a more recent phenomenon is Cyber Monday, the internet version of Black Friday where you can get deals at online retailers. One of this years deals comes from the folks over at GameStop.

GameStop started selling the Nintendo 3DS Ocarina of Time 3D Bundle on Black Friday for the price of $199.99. Some select GameStop stores and other retailers sold out of the bundle within hours, so buyers had to turn online. Unfortunately even some online retailers had sold out. It looks like GameStop has them in stock now, and even better, they are offering a discount! It still is priced at $199.99, but when you purchase the bundle, it comes with a $20 GameStop gift card. A pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

I’m unsure whether this is just a one day deal or if it will be around for a couple days. Perhaps it’s a deal that will go until supplies last. I just double checked the website and this is a one day deal and it also is while supplies last. Either way, if you want a Nintendo 3DS and you are a Zelda fan, then this is bundle for you. Furthermore, this is excellent Christmas gift, so be sure to put it on your Christmas list!

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