A lot of us usually don’t wake up on Christmas expecting be thrown into an awesome Zelda themed adventure and neither did Mike, but thats exactly what happened.

Mike started his Christmas like normal, but sometime during that day he stumbled across a random box. After opening it he found a familiar green hat, satchel full of rupees, and a small note. On the note was a few words that would start his Zelda-like quest that said he could use the rupees to buy an item off of his sister, which had yet another quest on it. To find out where his quests eventually led him and what all happened be sure to make the jump and continue reading.

It started with a box. In the box were a green hat and a satchel of rupees and a small note saying I could use the rupees to purchase an item from my sisters!
This item was The Master Sword! The sword had a new quest attached to it; defeat the beast in the laundry room!

The beast, of course, was my sisters’ dog dressed in Christmas attire. After I slew the beast (with a good ol’ fashion scratch behind the ear) I noticed the key tied to his neck, with a note attached. The next quest! Explore the dungeon beyond the white door! This clearly meant the garage. I entered the garage, wondering what I could possibly find hidden in its darkness. I stumbled upon a large chest (a 100 year old treasure chest) and in classic Zelda style, bent down and opened it without a second thought. As I did, my sisters played the “open chest” jingle on their phones, a nice touch! And inside the chest was the Hylian shield, a bottle marked XXX and a potion bottle, both filled with mead!

I thought this would conclude my truly amazing Zelda present…. that was until I saw my girlfriend, Erin, who had something just as special waiting for me. I opened her present to find a Zelda pouch, containing an Ocarina she had custom painted, and a book… a hand bound, home made, suede book. And in this book aged paper with hand-drawn Ocarina tabs for all the Ocarina songs from the game. Each page beautifully decorated with love and care.

Happy Holidays to everyone at Kotaku, and Gawker! I hope this little story warms you guys like it warmed me 🙂

If this would have happened to me I would have had the most memorable and exciting Christmas ever, but sadly it seems I only get the opportunity to read great stories like this that happens to other Zelda fans. I could just imagine what was going through Mike’s mind when he was discovering each new quest and how exciting it must have been, but what do you guys think? Leave us know in the comments below.

Source: Kotaku Via GoNintendo

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