The artist community build around the Zelda series is truly incredible. Whether it is musical covers/arrangements, zines, hand-made goods, or an assortment of other creative projects, there is no end to the brilliant work done by people who love the series. Going along with art related to the series, I also enjoy artists’ time lapses and speed paints related to their Zelda pieces. As someone who has always admired art, but never been any good at it, it is incredible to see the work an artist puts in and how a piece of art develops over time.

This time lapse video and painting by MalMakes highlights one of Breath of the Wild‘s most iconic symbols: the Silent Princess. This beautiful blue and white flower is a rare species that thrives in the wilds of Hyrule and was even thought to be extinct for a time. In one of Link’s memory, we see that the Silent Princess is a favorite of Princess Zelda, who seems overjoyed to show the flower to Link. In fact, one lone flower can even be found in Zelda’s abandoned study high atop Hyrule Castle.

Overall, I love the way the artist positions the Silent Princess on the canvas. The flower is placed on the lower left corner with a massive Hyrule Castle taking up a great deal of the background. There is a great visual and symbolic contrast between the delicate flower and the hulking ruins of Hyrule Castle. In the video itself, I found it interesting that the Silent Princess is one of the last elements created, as it is one of signature parts of the art piece and has the most detail of anything in the portrait.

If you enjoyed this video or the art piece, MalMakes has posted a much longer, non-time lapse version of the video, which includes some key insights about the process of making this painting.  Additionally, products related to this art piece are available on Redbubble.

What do you think of this time lapse video and its accompanying art piece? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: MalMakes

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