There have been a lot of really cool and unique Zelda art projects lately. In just the past week, we’ve seen such masterpieces as a Majora’s Mask made with a chainsaw and a Zelda-inspired customized Gamecube. To add to all the awesome art floating around, Reddit user gmhafker has recently shown off his stunning Zelda laser cutting project. The piece is both beautiful and highly-detailed, well worth a look by any fan.

Gmhafker’s piece was created using a laser cutter on chip-board. The piece features tons of detailed Zelda iconography such as the Triforce, the Master Sword, and the Hylian Shield. The more I studied the images the more I discovered in this impressive project, such as the rupees that line the top. I really wish I could get close to this piece to see all amazing details. Gmhafker has even provided an Illustrator file for the piece for those with a laser cutter who are interested in constructing their own artwork.

What are your thoughts on the piece? Will you attempt to make your own? Let us know!

Source: Reddit (via Hammer Space)

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