Chalk art at Nintendo World Store

zelda_link_between_world_linkChris Carlson, a professional chalk artist from Denver, Colorado, has recently been invited to draw an A Link Between World’s mural at the Nintendo World Store in Manhattan. I definitely recommend you check out the art for yourself. Although the mural has not been completed, pictures have been released on Twitter and Instagram. So hit the jump to see the progress!




Here is a picture of the mural on presumably, its second day of progress. Carlson has started coloring in the mural at this point.

This image is brought to you by Danny Peña, founder of Gamertag Radio, from his Instagram. In this picture, significant progress has been made.

I find this chalk art amazing. It has been colored perfectly, and overall looks fairly similar to the original art it is based off of. But let us know what you guys think! Do you love it? Do you hate it? Tell us in the comments below!

Source: Twitter, Instagram

Sorted Under: A Link Between Worlds