Author: Josh Zelinsky

Four years ago, Twilight Princess hit stores all over the world. Zelda Dungeon existed during this release and as usual, Mases wrote a Twilight Princess Walkthrough to ensure that we had content when the masses needed it. The guide sat for a while, and a couple of years ago Mases started redoing it to include images, boxes, and to make it look more pleasing to the eye; however, at the same time he also started the video walkthrough. Fast-forward to…

Starting a guide  is a huge undertaking. You have to plan, organize, code, take screenshots, and make everything look good. I’ve learned this throughout the years with the Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and many other things that I’ve done. With that in mind, Twilight Princess, if you play it long enough, becomes a massive game. It is by far the longest guide that we have on the site, and has so much content, making it nearly impossible for one person…

Hey guys. While talking with other people on the staff, I managed to come across gamespot, and them being at Nintendo’s Conference. This usually happens after most events, which is how we got the artwork last year. This year, there is another conference, and we have some new, decent details about the game, as listed below: (This does contain spoilers, so look at your own risk)

I’m here today to update about what is going on with the Twilight Princess walkthrough, and video walkthrough. Since Mases just moves too darn slow at this, he passed along the project to me and Bomby, and we hope to have it completed much faster than it has been going lately.  We already have the next chapter done for the text walkthrough, chapter 13, which will guide you all the way through Arbiter’s Grounds. Twilight Princess Walkthrough Chapter 13 –…