Lay back and search the starry skies of Termina with this lo-fi remix of the Astral Observatory theme, the latest work from Nicolas Jorgensen. It’s so chill, it’ll have you crying Moon Tears as you dream of another world — no Bomber’s password required.

Careful listeners will notice that halfway through the remix, Jorgensen interweaves “Zelda’s Lullaby” into this classic song from Majora’s Mask. Its subtle inclusion hits the ear and heart with equal delight. Jogensen explains that “…having [it] along with “Astral Observatory” was like Zelda’s way of being a part of Termina. Watching from the stars.”

Jorgensen is passionate about his work and loves to create music that helps people relax. In addition to his YouTube channel, you can follow him on SoundCloud, where you may also enjoy his lo-fi re-imaginations of “Lost Woods,” “Tarrey Town,” “Kass’ Theme” and “Ballad of the Windfish”.

What do you think of this lo-fi remix? And what Zelda songs do you want Jorgensen to take on next? Let us know in the comments below!

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