Over at the Dungeon Gaming Forums, we are hosting an April Giveaway Contest. We are giving a free Xbox 360 console with a copy of Darksiders, a Nintendo 3DS game of your choice, a Wii/PS3/360 game of your choice, and much more.

There have been some things unclear in my initial announcement that I wanted to clear up. This contest is open to everybody worldwide! If you live in Europe or Australia, you don’t need to worry. If you win a console or a game, you will get the console or game that is for your specific region. Furthermore, if you already have the prize that you end up winning, that’s fine, as there will be equivalent alternate prizes available. Go ahead and make the jump for more details or just Register at the Forums to get started!

Eligibility Requirements


  • Consolation Prizes – Link Plush Doll, Zelda Soundtrack CD’s, Zelda T-Shirt!
  • 3rd Place Prize – A Nintendo 3DS or DS game of your choice. Example: Kid Icarus: Uprising!
  • 2nd Place Prize – A Nintendo Wii, 360, or PS3 game of your choice. Example: Mario Party 9!
  • 1st Place Prize – A brand new Xbox 360 console, along with a copy of Darksiders!!!

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