Eiji-Aonuma-producer-of-T-006With The Wind Waker HD having been released, many fans are already turning their sights to the next home console Zelda game; a mysterious game currently known only as Zelda Wii U. We currently have very little information on this game, and that doesn’t seem as if it will change anytime soon. What we do know is exactly when that will change, as revealed by Eiji Aonuma himself in a recent interview.

Hit The jump to see what he had to say!

In a recent interview with Mashable, when asked the question: “Can you tell us anything about the Wii U Zelda game?”

Aonuma replied simply with: “I’ll say more at E3 2014.”

Disappointingly, we once again no new information regarding the upcoming title, but this news serves well to build anticipation. E3 2014 will be beginning on June 10th, still about eight months away. Chances are there won’t be any more information on the game until then, and sadly, this means a late 2014 or 2015 release date may be very likely.

I personally take this news as more reason to be excited about A Link Between Worlds, arriving for the 3DS this November. Without having to even think about the Wii U title until 2014, we can all focus a little bit more on a brand new Zelda handheld!

Source: Mashable

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