With The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD‘s release date just around the corner, Nintendo will be kicking their advertising campaign into overdrive in order to try and boost pre-orders (and eventually sales) going forward. Earlier today, the official Zelda Japan twitter posted some new art from the game, as well as what seems to be a story through tweets. I’ll include some rough translations for those tweets.

“Hello, this is Aonuma. This year the world of Twilight returns in HD after 10 years. From today we’d like to introduce information on Twilight Princess for a while.

Twilight Princess is a story about the 2 worlds of ‘Light’ and ‘Darkness’. The game’s scale was getting bigger, and at the early stages of the original [GameCube version], we drew a lot of setting scenes. We also plan to publish [things like] discussions and [hidden] treasured images at times, so please look forward to them!

The introductions from now on will be brought by Malo who appears in this game. Malo, I’m leaving it to you!

…I’m Malo. I may look like this, but I’m the owner of ‘Malo Mart’, the hero of prices. …I won’t forgive you if you think I’m a child and ridicule me [because of that]…”

What we can learn from this is Eiji Aonuma is now going to be sharing as much information from Twilight Princess HD as he can. This is interesting because with him sharing this, we’re shown that the flood of news moving towards the release of the game has now begun and we can expect a lot more. This is good, because it means that we might finally get some confirmation on the Amazon UK rumours from last week.

What do you think? Does this news excite you? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Nintendo Everything

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