Aonuma: The Wind Waker HD won’t use the 3DS as the Tingle Tuner.
Posted on June 12 2013 by Legacy Staff
As most of us know, the original The Wind Waker for the Gamecube featured an item called the Tingle Tuner. Find out why The Wind Waker HD’s producer, Eiji Aonuma, isn’t letting it back in for round two after the jump.
I fondly remember the Tingle Tuner; it gave a silly, fun twist to The Wind Waker. My brother used to goof around as Tingle whilst I played through the games many dungeons, and I was hoping it would make it back in for the Wii U version of the game.
Unfortunately, according to the game’s producer, Eiji Aonuma, that hope has been dashed.
Aonuma, when asked if the Tingle Tuner would be making a return, said that the answer was no. Instead, the Tuner was scrapped in favor of the “Tingle Bottle” a device that, you guessed it, enables players to send a message in a bottle to another player.
This change is due to the development team wanting to focus on the social aspects of the Miiverse, which enables players from all corners of the world to give each other a hand up.
The Tingle Tuner was useful in obtaining information about an area and uncovering secrets. It remains to be seen how exactly the Tingle Bottle will, or won’t, fill these roles.
What do you think? Are you going to miss the Tingle Tuner? Do you think the idea of the Tingle Bottle sounds just as silly? Weign in at the comments section below!
Source: Nintendo Life, Nintendo Everything