timelinecoverLink has been around for a very long time and the timeline that was put out can be a little confusing at times, so the people at BuzzFeed has created an animated walkthrough of the timeline with Navi as your guide to make it easier to understand. She takes you through a very detailed journey of every Zelda game and places it in the timeline for you to see. Hit the jump to see!

The series starts with the usual introduction of Navi.


Navi then continues to explain the timeline and the layout of the three branches that the timeline splits into.


After describing the layout, she goes into detail with each game and where it fits into the timeline.


Above is just a very small portion of the full animation. To see the full animated timeline explanation with every Zelda game included, click here.

I thought this animation really helped me understand the timeline a little better, while also giving me something a little more interesting to look at than just text on a page. Did it help you? Are you still confused on the timeline? Let us know in the comments.

Source: BuzzFeed

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