Time-lapse videos are some of the coolest ways to see the process taken to make great art. This week, artist SpoonfishLee released a new time-lapse video for his latest Zelda piece, Link and Skullkid. The painting is obviously inspired by Majora’s Mask, depicting a confrontation between Link and Skull Kid. The piece itself is beautifully shaded and detailed, and the time-lapse provides an awesome spectacle and some cool insights into how the piece was crafted.

SpoonfishLee explains in the video description that he was trying to capture and interpret the “unique sense of colorful darkness” found in Majora’s Mask. I’d say he was successful in this goal, as the color, lighting, and detail are stunning. Just look at the minor details in Link’s hair and sword.

The time-lapse is very much a work of art in itself. When the reflection of Skull Kid was added into the sword’s detail, I could not contain my amazement. The time-lapse also made the piece feel like it was passing through the times of day, as the colors of sky in the background changed throughout the video.

Visit SpoonfishLee’s Deviant Art page to view the final piece. On his channel, one can also find time-lapses for another Skull Kid painting and another Link painting.

What do you think of the painting? Let us know in the comments.

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