A Link to the Past is a favorite of many Zelda fans and part of that reason, of course, is the music. BMBGuitar on YouTube has done guitar covers of all of the A Link to the Past Light World songs separately and recently posted a video where he combines all of the songs into one video. The Light World is only half of the musical journey though. He also plans on doing covers of the songs from the Dark World and releasing them one by one over the next couple of months. His covers have a metal-like sound to them but are not overpowered by it. His style still lets the true Zelda essence of the songs show through. Take the jump to take a look at the video!

A Link to the Past is at the tip top of my favorites in Zelda games. I enjoy these covers very much. I frequently search for them on YouTube to find new ones. There are so many different ways that the music can be portrayed and, so far, every way I have heard has been great. What is your favorite A Link to the Past song? How about just Zelda music in general? Let us know in the comments!

Source: YouTube

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