Since I discovered his channel several years ago, Arlo has been among my favorite YouTubers. His Muppet-inspired persona, unbridled enthusiasm for Nintendo, and propensity for dad humor are just infectious. And as much I love hearing him delve into the goings-on of the big N at large, his Zelda-centered analyses are often in a league of their own. Peak Arlo, if you ask me.

The Cookie Monster-esque pundit’s latest video is particularly juicy, as it explores one of my favorite topics: the Zelda timeline — specifically, its current state and how it could radically change throughout the coming games. Throughout this piece, he discusses his growing desire to see the series break away from some of its traditions, not the least of which being its reliance on Ganondorf as the go-to baddie. It’s a fascinating listen — one that highlights how much untapped potential this franchise still has.

What do you think, though? Are you open to the idea of a new villain taking center stage after Breath of the Wild 2? Are you down for a proper, futuristic, sci-fi installment? Let us know in the comments below!

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