Screen Shot 2015-10-29 at 8.05.13 AMWith all of the coverage on Tri Force Heroes that has been going on of late it has been a little bit since we shared a quality Zelda inspired cover with you. Just any cover would not do, so I searched for what I thought was a pretty spectacular one to share with you. 72Hours Remaining is a musical project with two seasoned guitarist and a love for The Legend of Zelda. In their latest cover they do an amazing job on the End Credits for The Wind Waker, it seriously brought back quite a few memories for me and now I feel like I need to replay the game once again!

Head on past the break to check it out!

I have shared with you all before that The Wind Waker is one of my favorite Zelda titles and as such holds a very special place in my heart! I think that the duo did an amazing job on this cover and I can’t wait to see what they do next.

What about you? What do you think about the cover? What would you like to see them cover next? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

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