gvWe’ve all got our list of favourite tracks from the Zelda series and with how good the soundtracks are, it’s not surprising the songs regularly get remixed by fans. I mentioned a rather long time ago that I tend to avoid remixes because they rarely turn out as good as the original track. Of course there are a few that take a great tune and manage to make it even better. Such is the case with YouTuber MajorLeagueWobs/Holder’s 1980’s techno remix of “Gerudo Valley” from Ocarina of Time. Hear the remix after the jump!

The “Gerudo Valley” theme is, for me at least, the best track from Ocarina of Time so someone has to do a pretty good job to improve it. MajorLeagueWobs/Holder have not only done that but they’ve made a catchy tune even catchier.

There is a link on the YouTube page to download the remix free so click here to go there and get it.

What do you think of the remix? Are there any other tracks from the series you’d like them to have a go at remixing? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: YouTube

Sorted Under: Ocarina of Time