After Tri Force Heroes was announced a few weeks ago, certain fans began accusing this new game of being a “Casual Zelda.” For many fans, the idea of a game in the Zelda series being too casual is a significant concern, as it could certainly mean that developers are devaluing the experience to appeal to a more mainstream audience. With casualness remaining an issue, it is now time for us to decide what qualities make a Zelda game too casual, and how exactly hardcore gamers should consider these qualities overall.

One quality fans may consider when evaluating a Zelda game’s casualness is difficulty. For the most part, The Legend of Zelda has offered many satisfying challenges and difficulties that fans have had to overcome. However as the series has progressed, some fans feel like the games no longer offer the same degree of challenge that they used to in the past. For example, we’ve heard such complaints directed at A Link Between Worlds, a game that could be completed rather quickly. For these fans, this trend of easier games may point to a deliberate choice by Nintendo or developers to make The Legend of Zelda more appealing to new or unseasoned gamers. Even though toning down challenge or difficulty may make Zelda games more accessible to new players, some don’t believe the series should carry out these changes.

Some fans may also point a Zelda game’s art style or tone to show its casual nature. For example, certain fans have been very vocal about the “toon” art style of The Wind Waker or Spirit Tracks. The design and tone of these games are purposely more stylistic and cartoony, a choice that gives these certain titles more character and timelessness. However, some may feel like The Legend of Zelda should not adopt such an art style as it takes away from the core nature of the series. These fans may feel like the art is meant to appeal to younger gamers, and thus alienate the older fanbase. To some, these cartoony art styles may take away from the epic nature of the series and devalue the themes expressed in each game.

Where do you stand? Are there qualities that make a Zelda game too casual? Should gamers be concerned or feel threatened by these casual traits? Let us know what you think in the comments, and join the Daily Debate!

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