Link Blowing Grass

A couple weeks ago we let loose our plan for opening a music section that also includes music downloads, among other things. Well, the day has arrived and while it took longer than anticipated, we are proud to announce the launch of our Zelda Music section. It includes a couple music reviews, some guitar tutorials, and of course the Twilight Princess Soundtrack. Keep in mind this is the “music” soundtrack, it does not include any of the sound effects. We feel it may be one of the most complete soundtracks for the game available anywhere on the net, but setting that aside, we are just happy to finally be able to launch this sucker.

We do want to add one more major feature to our music area rather soon, and that is sheet music, guitar tabs, and the like for Twilight Princess, as well as future soundtracks we add. The problem is that we don’t necessarily have the needed staff who can produce said material, so if you’re interested feel free to shoot us an email at

The next soundtrack we are adding will be Ocarina of Time, followed by A Link to the Past. We have no set timetable, but the in-house goal is to get a new soundtrack added once every two weeks. In addition to the download links, we have partnered with SilverGunner on youtube who has provided us with all the Zelda music video embeds we can handle. Stay tuned as music is sweeping over our beloved site.

As one final note, we are aware there are a handful of download links that are presently not working, but we should have that rectified by the end of tomorrow. We had a url error on our download server earlier today, causing some of the urls to break. Rest assured though that 95% of the soundtrack is presently in working download format.

UPDATE: The soundtrack is now available in a large single file download.

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