ONMCOVER.jpg FURTHER READING: If we’ve piqued your interest in further Zelda timeline discussion, there are loads of fansites out there expanding on some of the theories we’ve discussed here. Here are a few good starting points: www.zeldauniverse.net, www.zeldawiki.org, www.zeldadungeon.net

That’s right, guys. ZeldaInformer‘s reputation as a quality site for theorizing has extended beyond the fanbase to Nintendo employees themselves.

To be cited in an official Nintendo publication is a massive leap for any fansite, and our sister site Zelda Universe, the wonderfully useful Zelda Wiki which many of our community edit, and ZeldaInformer itself are all referenced in the March edition of Official Nintendo Magazine UK.

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to the theorizing aspect of this site and the forums for helping us become so renowned that Nintendo itself (well, one of their magazines) is proud to call us an affiliate.

Expect scans of this reference, as well as ONM’s interpretation of the Zelda timeline shortly.

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