Zelda Most Deserving of a Movie Adaptation

With news of a new Mortal Kombat movie reboot by Warner Bros, the site Screenjunkies posted the article 7 Video Games That Deserve a Movie Adaptation with Legend of Zelda topping the list. Here is what they had to say.

The sprawling adventure of The Legend of Zelda has been ripe for a movie adaptation for a long, long time. It has swords, explosions, monsters, intrigue, and an epic quest. The folks at Nintendo should have rushed this into production years ago.

Out of all the games they listed, Manhunt, Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry, Batman:Arkham Asylum, Infamous, and Star Wars Force Unleashed II, Legend of Zelda was not only at the top of their list but was also the oldest series mentioned. All the others were recently released or still very modern franchises. Showing that the Legend of Zelda is still one of the top favorites among fans today.

Personally I have always had very mixed feelings about a possible Zelda movie. The story itself is perfect for a feature length film. Just a quick rundown of any one random game from the series would sound like it could make an amazing movie. I love a fantasy epic and Zelda has plenty of potential to make for a great one. However with so many past examples of great games making very terrible movies I would actually rather Hollywood leave it alone. No sense in making a multi million dollar black mark on the franchise history. Although there have been a few notable exceptions to the rule, Silent Hill and Resident Evil (at least in my opinion) movies based on video games are notoriously bad. Also games that are based on movies are generally bad as well, with again only a small few exceptions to the rule. Something about these two formats just makes them very incompatible with each other. Because of that I am very nervous of what a Zelda movie might become if not handled properly.

So what do you think? Would you want to see a Zelda movie? Think it might break the Movie/Video Game curse? Let us know in the comments below.

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