I’ve stated before how much I adore synthwave music. There’s something extremely nostalgic and soothing about it to me, and I can listen to it for hours on end. It definitely helps me concentrate during my day job, and anyone that also sits at a desk knows how easy it is to feel burned out or get distracted while you’re trying to get through the day. There are few things I enjoy like getting into a groove while listening to some good synthwave music–my love of Zelda II being one of said few things. I know I’ve stated several times already on the site, but I’ll say it again: Zelda IIThe Adventure of Link does not get the love it deserves. With that said, regardless of how you feel about the game mechanically, I think we can all get behind the idea of its soundtrack being nothing short of superb.

So why am I talking about synthwave and Zelda II? Well, that’s because Ian Cowell has taken it upon himself to give the “Town Theme” the retro treatment, and I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. As a kid, I always enjoyed going into towns, not only to have those nice ladies take me into their homes to replenish my life or meet their dads, but to also hear this pleasant piece of music. If the arrangement weren’t good enough, Ian has taken it upon himself to provide us with some sweet dance moves over footage of retro commercials for Zelda II, the animated series, and the game itself. I couldn’t look that good dancing in a green tunic if I tried. Keep doing what you’re doing Ian!

Be sure to check out the rest of Ian’s channel for some other great covers!

So what did you think? Are you as jealous of Ian’s dance moves as I am? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Ian Cowell

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