image_324335_460As Hyrule Warriors is just over the horizon and we are being teased with Zelda U, despite its 2015 release date, it’s hard for fans to remember that this year has been big for the Zelda series, even without those two titles considered. The Legend of Zelda has had quite a good 2014 with the solid release of A Link Between Worlds for the Nintendo 3DS, as well as the HD remastering of Wind Waker for the Wii U. As the Golden Joystick awards draw near, our beloved series has been nominated for four of the awards. Find out what games and what awards, following the jump!

With IGN giving A Link Between Worlds a 9.4/10 rating, it’s no surprise that this title was nominated for a Golden Joystick Award, but in fact the title was nominated for three different awards! A Link Between worlds was nominated for awards in the “Best Audio”, “Game of the Year”, and the “Best Handheld Game” categories. It is very impressive for one game to attain three nominations, but it’s no surprise due to the fan reaction from the release of A Link Between Worlds.

But hold on, that’s only three awards out of the four previously mentioned! In fact, Zelda U has been nominated for the “Most Anticipated Game of the Year” category, which is surprising due to its not-even-announced 2015 release.

If you would like to be a part of the deciding factor in whether or not The Legend of Zelda receives these awards, you can vote here.

Be sure to vote under the “Most Wanted” (Zelda U), “Best Audio” (ALBW), “Best Handheld Game”(ALBW), and “Game of the Year” (ALBW).

UPDATE: Sorry for the link not working! It should definitely work now, thank you for being patient.
Source: CVG