Zelda Fan of the Week: Daniel Anton

Welcome back to our Weekly Feature: Zelda Fan of the Week! Today we have a young Spanish artist that discovered The Legend of Zelda a few years ago, and now it’s part of his inspiration. Daniel based his work on a fan-art illustration and made a colored pencil drawing featuring Midna in her two forms. I found out about him on Instagram, and that same day he agreed to participate in a short interview. Here’s what we discussed:

Amelia: When did you start drawing?

Daniel: I began to draw at a very young age, when I was 6 years old. I used to go to an art school where I learned how to paint with watercolors, I was there for about two years. I’d have finished the course, but I left it because I was chosen to participate in a chorus for 4 years.

Which was your first The Legend of Zelda game?

I discovered Zelda while I was in the chorus. My first game was Twilight Princess and the truth is, it became my favorite. After that, I played Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask. A couple of years later I bought a Nintendo DS and I got the chance to play Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

Do you plan to keep up with your Zelda drawings?

Yes. Actually, I’m thinking about drawing Link, or maybe Princess Zelda. I have many ideas in my head right now!

Thank you for your time Daniel, we wish you the best!

If you want to know more about this artist, check out his Instagram account: @danielalton98. We also have pictures of Midna’s drawing process in our gallery below!

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