Zelda Dungeon marathon picZelda Dungeon’s Marathon is only a couple of weeks away and there are a lot of people who are excited for the event. It’s not just the fans that are looking forward to it, the people who are participating in the event are eagerly awaiting it too.

To help build more excitement for the Marathon, the people who are attending have been asked some questions. The questions range from who the participants are to what they hope to accomplish at the Marathon. A video promoting the event has also been included with this interview for more information regarding the Zelda Dungeon Marathon.

Click the link below to see what the participants have to say!

1) Who are you and what do you do for Dungeon Gaming?

Mases: I am Mases and I’m kind of a big deal. I run this show.

Bastian: I’m Bastian and I’m basically the editor-in-chief for Zelda Dungeon. I hire, train, and edit almost all of the writers that you see on our front page. Also I host Zelda news videos for ZD’s YouTube channel from time-to-time when breaking news happens.

Knowlee: I’m Knowlee and I help out here and there. Sometimes it’ll be on Facebook posting the pictures showcasing artwork from Link’s Blacklist and posting news and other things on ZD occasionally.

Kevin: My name is Kevin O’Rourke and I am a founding member and editor for GenGAME, the partner site with Zelda Dungeon. I’ve been in the ZD Countdown, and made posters for the Zelda Dungeon Marathon that are available on GenGAME! This is my first ZD Marathon.

Jordan: Jordan DiPalma. I’m a college student at Virginia Tech, and I’m a lowly news reporter for Zelda Dungeon. I also write the weekly music feature Flute Boy’s Meadow.

2) Are you excited to attend this year’s Zelda Dungeon Marathon?

Mases: Yes.

Bastian: I’m super excited to attend this year’s marathon. What could be better than playing (and watching people play) Zelda games 24 hours a day for six days? Well, maybe a vacation to Hawaii would be better. Yeah, definitely Hawaii.

Knowlee: Yes, I’m very excited! I unfortunately wasn’t able to attend last year’s marathon, but this year I’m glad to say that I will be in attendance.

Kevin: I am beyond excited! I can’t wait to hang out with the team and put on a great show for the fans. Since this is my first Zelda Dungeon marathon (but not my first Zelda marathon) I hope my skills are up to par with the ZD staff.

Jordan: Absolutely. I remember watching last year’s marathon and wishing I could be there, so this is actually something of a dream come true.

3) What is your favorite Zelda game?

Mases: A Link to the Past.

Bastian: My favorite Zelda game of all time is definitely A Link to the Past–it is just mind-blowingly perfect. However, I have to say I really love The Wind Waker and Skyward Sword.

Knowlee: A Link to the Past hands down!

Kevin: The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask

Jordan: Tough question. If I REALLY had to choose, Ocarina of Time. Still, A Link to the Past, Majora’s Mask, and The Wind Waker are all close.

4) What games are you playing at this marathon?

Mases: Too many to list! I’m going to try to play as many games as I possibly can before I pass out.

Bastian: I’ll be playing the first three released games as well as Skyward Sword, and maybe one or two more.

Knowlee: I’m playing A Link to the Past and Minish Cap. I will also be playing some of the Four Swords games too.

Kevin: I will be playing Majora’s Mask, Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past, Four Swords Adventures, and the Tingle games.

Jordan: I will be playing Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, and A Link to the Past. I also masochistically volunteered to play the CD-i games.

5) What were your favorite moments from last year’s marathon?

Mases: Epic Twilight Princess race, playing Zelda Game Watch, PBJ eating contest, getting fanmail at the P.O. Box, getting my head shaved and of course, A Link to the Past.

Bastian: My favorite moments from watching last year’s marathon were the challenges and the random silly things that happen when everyone is massively sleep-deprived.

Knowlee: My favorite moments from last year? Hmm… Well there are a lot of things that I liked. I liked where during the fan mail portion of the stream where they got a letter from DarkMaster himself. I also enjoyed the part where they narrated the Triforce’s lines from the very end of A Link to the Past. The part where Mases was given a Mohawk momentarily during the part when he was getting his head shaved. There’s a bunch more, but I can’t think of them at the moment.

Kevin: I think that Mases getting his fro shaved on the live stream was awesome and hysterical.

Jordan: The credits scene from A Link to the Past comes to mind, when everyone read the Triforce’s quotes in different voices. That, and watching Mases play Zelda II while having his head shaved.

6) What are you most excited about happening at this year’s marathon?

Mases: This year we have multiple people playing almost all of the games. The head-to-head races from last year were awesome so I’m looking forward to more of that. I’m also excited about meeting some new people that weren’t at last year’s marathon. Lastly, I’m looking forward to absolutely crushing Bastian at Adventure of Link!

Bastian: The thing that I’m most excited about happening at this year’s marathon is my being there. Haha! Or participating in some of the “races”.

Knowlee: I’m excited about meeting people that I’ve talked to many times online in person for one thing. It’s one thing to talk and interact with people online and another thing entirely to do the same thing face-to-face.

Kevin: Taking what was done last year, multiplying it by a million and adding in a million and one more games, sources, webcams will be amazing. The quality of this marathon has been improved upon a lot, and our equipment and live streaming skills will make this marathon one of the greatest ever. It’s going to be a thrill to play Majora’s Mask alongside Caleb, and racing Link to the Past against everyone. Also, playing Ocarina of Time against Trevor will be the highlight for me.

Jordan: I’m pretty psyched about playing Four Swords Adventures and the CD-i games, since I’ve never gotten to try either. Most of all, I’m just excitedly looking forward to whatever random fun we manage to have during the marathon.

7) For those who are playing Skyward Sword, will you be the one to beat it?

Mases: That depends on how many times everybody else fails at it.

8) For those who are playing A Link to the Past, do you think you will be able to beat Mases?

Bastian: I will absolutely destroy Mases at A Link to the Past. I am a Link to the Past master! And by saying that I’ve ensured my own downfall. 🙁

Knowlee: I dunno. I honestly doubt that I will beat Mases. (And no, I’m not just saying that cause he’s looking over my shoulder or anything…)

Jordan: *hysterical laughter* No.

9) For those who are playing Ocarina of Time, we have two questions: a) Will you buy the Hylian Shield to help Hyrule’s economy?

Kevin: Not a chance. I heard there was a shield conveniently hidden in some dead guys tomb. Having been a professional part-time grave-robber I think that my skills in this area will finally pay off.

Jordan: I think the Hyrulean economy is actually quite booming in the Child Era of OoT. Money literally fills the rivers and streets. Such an incredibly strong economy needs no stimulus from a poor forest boy… besides, the whole thing is gonna tank in a few years thanks to the new management.

b) Also will you get Epona?

Kevin: If Epona can help me beat the game quicker than Trevor then yes. The only animal help I need is from Kaepora Gaebora.

Jordan: That… is a maybe. Leaving her out is admittedly the faster course of action, but I just love Epona so dearly… I may go back for her post-credits.

And lastly, is there anything else you would like to add?

Mases: May the Way of the Hero (Me) lead to the Triforce.

Kevin: I am by no means the best Zelda speedrunner or player for that matter, but don’t count me out. I intend to win everything, against everyone, everyday. Except the CD-i games. I’ll leave those to Mases.

Bastian: Honestly, I have never played a Zelda game from beginning to end in one sitting… let alone four or five; I’m worried this might just drive me insane. We shall see! 😀

Jordan: I am not a professional speedrunner. Do not expect me to complete anything faster than other people, I’m just here to have fun.

And there you have it! That’s what the attendees for the 2013 Zelda Dungeon Marathon have to say about the event so far. There are still a few attendees that were not included in this part so there will be a second part to this that will include the last few members of the ZD Marathon crew. Stay tuned for part 2 which will be coming soon!

The Zelda Dungeon Marathon is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 7, 2013. We hope to see you guys in the audience watching!

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