Zelda 2008.com a Hoax?

Unless you were part of the extreme minority, you knew that Zelda2008.com was just a joke. I think the recent changes further confirm that the site is in fact just some fan project that happened to grab a great domain name. The splash page has been updated and now features some random techy looking image. Being the curious person that I am, I already went and searched for Zelda2009.com only to see that it was already taken and forwarded to a random gaming website. But wait, Zelda2010.com is still available!

Anyway, for some more informative community news, we have more layouts to announce. Our friends over at Forsaken Legend and Zelda Oracles have both launched new layouts. I guess it is just that time of year, everybody getting a new layout up. Zelda Oracles looks very similar to previous version of their site while Forsaken Legend has received quite an upgrade. It reminds me of an old Zelda Elements layout for some reason. They are both pretty good and worth a visit.

Stay tuned here at ZD as we have a ton of new content almost ready go. In particular some new pages for Phantom Hourglass as well as a few surprises.

Forsaken Legend
Zelda Oracles

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