Ocarina of Time is one of gaming’s crown jewels. Even though it’s turning seventeen years old later this November, it’s never had a problem staying relevant. Whether its players are adventuring with friends, speed-running for charity, or enjoying it for their first time on N64 or 3DS, people are still playing this game. YouTube Channel Super Scrub Brothers member ATwerkingYoshi has decided to pick up the task of playing the game beginning to end but with a Dance Dance Revolution Pad. Trust me, it appears to work much better than it sounds.

I’ve personally tried playing games like Super Mario and Soul Calibur with a DDR Pad in the past and can say it was nearly impossible for me to accomplish anything with the sheer difficulty the DDR Pad brings! To see that ATwerkingYoshi has made it as far as the Spirit Temple is astounding. However, he does use a standard controller for Z targeting, as a DDR Pad does not have as many buttons as a N64 controller. I can’t even begin to picture the struggle of getting through the game without Z-targeting!

I imagine this isn’t the fastest method, as he has been playing this on the Super Scrub Brothers Twitch stream for about a month now and has uploaded a video for each boss fight up to the Spirit Temple. He also states at the end of his latest video that he has a whole new show in the works titled Dance Pad Challenges, a series dedicated to playing games solely with a DDR Pad. So, if you enjoyed this video, you will have more to look forward to on their channel in the future. The channel will also be taking suggestions from viewers about which games to play!

Would you like to see ATwerkingYoshi play more Zelda games on a DDR Pad? Have you ever tried playing anything other than rhythm games with a DDR Pad? If so, let us know what games you want him to play next, what games you’ve played, and how well it went for you in the comments below!

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