youtube previz legend of zelda fan filmYoutuber Thanh Nguyen posted a video the other day showing a short Legend of Zelda fan film that he had been working on. He used the program 3ds Max to create this short film and he based the film’s setting off of Skyward Sword.

The plot of the film revolves around the inhabitants of Skyloft and the surrounding islands trying to protect their homeland from an invading army and a dragon. Defenses have been put up to try and stop the invaders but after a few good attempts it soon becomes apparent that nothing is working. When Link sees that Zelda is now in trouble, he decides to face the dragon and the army head on in order to protect Zelda and Skyloft.

To see the video for yourself, please click the link below!

I think this is an awesome film! Granted the animation style isn’t perfect, but it still portrays exactly what the creator was trying to accomplish. With a little bit of polishing on the animation of the characters, this little film can become even better.

What do you guys think of it? Love it, hate it? Let us know in the comments section below! Also stayed tuned for more Zelda news!

Source: YouTube

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