Would You Rather: Edition X

Would You Rather (compact)Hello and welcome back to Would You Rather! Last week was certainly interesting in the amount and type of comments we got, but after fishing a bit I found that those of you who actually answered the question are pretty split on what species you would rather be. If you missed out and want to check out our last edition, you can take a peek here. As for this week, after what seems like an eternity, I am happy to say we are releasing our first A Link Between Worlds segment in this series. Excited? Anxious? Hanging off the edge of your seat?! Hit the jump to see our almost impossible match up and help choose the better option!

Some readers may recall Would You Rather: Edition I, which had a fun match up regarding some flying steeds doubling as pets. Well, the moment has come to revisit the lifetime companion idea with some classic and memorable buddies. The Cucco, an iconic little chicken with such a strong sense of community that they will flock without notice and literally peck Link and other assailants to death. The Maiamai, a tiny baby octo with a knack for hide and seek and a mischievous streak. Small, portable and sources of never ending hilarity and entertainment, these two little creatures are about to fight for your love! Would you rather have a pet Cucco or a pet Maiamai?

Cucco v. Maiamai


Both of these pets can prove to be impractical and a nuisance, but aren’t all pets capable of this? Below you will find a list of attributes for the Cucco and the Maiamai to help you decide which one you would rather have as a forever buddy!


  • Bi-polar. One minute they’re calmly walking around, the next they are viciously attacking the kid that threw too many stones at them.
  • Presumably they lay eggs… so free omelets for life?
  • You can have many. Although they do wander, they stay in the general area of their homes. Many Cucco equals many omelets!
  • You can use them to fly! Well, glide, but as long as they are getting you to places you couldn’t get to before, who cares?! Gliding is also an awesome thing to do!


  • Is up for any number of hiding, seeking, lurking, eavesdropping game you can think of!
  • Is totally adorable and is essentially a baby octopus with a hermit crab shell and a distinct lack of the killer instinct that leads to beak bites from octopi.
  • Technically you could probably end up with 100 at a time, but I don’t think Mother Maiamai would appreciate you single-handedly kidnapping or hording all of her babies.
  • To honor your pet, a squishy, stuffed animal version of a Maiamai is infinitely cuter than that of a Cucco.

So what do you think? Which pet sounds like a winner for you? Let us know in the comments below and we’ll fill you in next time on the verdict!

Sorted Under: Editorials