Even though the Ganondorf amiibo has yet to be released in North America, our friends in Europe have already received this highly-anticipated Super Smash Bros. amiibo. For importers here in North America, the early release date in Europe does not pose a problem. To those who have not chosen to import, all we can do is sit back and watch this Ganondorf and Zero Suit Samus amiibo unboxing video.

This video comes courtesy of NintendoViewer, who claims that the Ganondorf amiibo is very detailed compared to other amiibo. Accompanied with an epic remix of the Gerudo Valley Theme playing in the background, the unboxer at NintendoViewer carefully pulls the Demon King out of his cage. Ganondorf seems slightly larger and bulkier than most other amiibo, which doesn’t surprise me, since Ganondorf is one of Nintendo’s taller characters.

Will you be obtaining the Ganondorf amiibo when it releases in North America this September? Let us know by using the comment section below.

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