Waiting-for-the-Dawn-Artwork-2-300x300Rozen, an online composer, has released two fantastic remakes of some of Majora’s Mask‘s music. Rozen specializes in orchestral pieces, and he has done well to make these classic tunes feel truly epic.

Listen to and download the songs after the jump!


I think that we can all appreciate how dramatic the music in Majora’s Mask can be even in its original form, so hearing it in orchestral form makes it a great experience. Perhaps this is the kind of thing we could hear from Majora’s Mask 3D, if it were to happen. Rozen is currently working as assistant director on Shinesparkers’ upcoming Harmony of Heroes album, so I’m sure the album will be just as awesome as these EPs.

Did you guys like the music? What other Zelda songs would you like Rozen to cover? Leave a comment!

Source: Rozen

Sorted Under: Majora's Mask