Tri Force Heroes File Size

Screen Shot 2015-09-18 at 11.05.06 AMNintendo has recently updated the Tri Force Heroes Japanese website with new information about how much space the game will take up on our machines. We now know that the game will take up a total of 8,200 blocks of storage space which is approximately 1GB with of space. You might also be wondering about the image of the “T” that you see above and you might have even seen it before. The image is what your 3DS Home Screen icon for Tri Force Heroes will look like, and fancy golden “T” with a simple brown background. Do you have enough room on your 3DS to download the game or will you be picking u a physical copy? What do you think of the games icon? I was honestly hoping for something a golden Triforce! Tell us your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Nintendo (via: Nintendo Everything)

Sorted Under: Tri Force Heroes