Screen Shot 2015-08-05 at 4.44.16 AMHyper Japan is the UK’s largest convention of Japanese culture, food, fashion and entertainment. It is held annually in London, England and this year Nintendo was there with their upcoming title inspired by the Zelda series, Tri Force Heroes. Fans had an opportunity to check out the game and play through some demos much like what attendees at E3 and the recently ended Gamescom had a chance to do. Nintendo UK has just released a video on their YouTube channel that shows some fan reactions to the latest Zelda game, head past the break to check it out!

What do you think about some of the fan reactions? What are your reactions to the game, has Nintendo won you over with this upcoming title? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

Source: YouTube (via: NintendoEverything)

Sorted Under: Tri Force Heroes