The All Time Greatest Hero

LinkGamespot is hosting a Greatest Hero of All Time contest, decided purely based on our votes. While it is too late for you fill out your own bracket and hope to win something, it’s not too late to make our fabled hero take the crown.

Link has advanced to round two already, and is facing off with Fox McCloud. There is only three and a half days left of voting for round two, so lets do our best to make sure Link advances (he’s up by a hefty margin, so he’s safe it appears this round).

Personally, I want Mega Man to go all the way. He appears solid to getting at least into round three, so that makes me happy. Of course, if you glance at the brackets, there is a chance the finals could be Mario vs Link. Talk about epic. The world may implode if that happens. Nevertheless, Mega Man all the way. Sorry Link, you can’t even shoot beams out of your sword anymore.

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