The Wind Waker jack-o’-lanturns

PumpkinWith Halloween fast approaching, pumpkins everywhere are being carved into jack-o’-lanturns. Whether it’s to keep the spirits of the dead away or just for the fun of it to keep up the tradition, everyone has done it. Though most jack-o’-lanterns will end up with the traditional scary face, there are already many pictures on site of lanterns that have been carved into rather impressive works of art and it’s not long before they are carved to represent all sorts of franchises. DeviantART member Johwee has done just that and carved Jack O’Lanterns based off of The Wind Waker and they are very impressive.

Take the jump to see for yourself!




These lanterns are incredible! When I was a kid my pumpkin carving skills were pretty poor, even if all I was trying to do was a scary face so for someone to have the skills to create something like this astounds me. Though the one of Link is very well done (not sure why Navi was included seeing as she wasn’t in The Wind Waker) but the attention to detail on Princess Zelda with her tiara, necklace and symbols on her skirt make it much more impressive.

Johwee has done a fantastic job at capturing both characters and, of all the pictures of Jack O’Lanterns I’ve seen, these have impressed me the most. There are a few other Zelda themed Jack O’Lanterns by Johwee, as well ones from other franchises, and they are all amazingly well carved. The one of Ganondorf’s head is slightly intimidating but having one of him with those 2 swords would have been much more awesome.

What do you think of the carvings? Will you be making your own works of art? Let us know in the comments below.


Source:  deviantArt (via iheartnintendo)

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