With our Music Week just right around the corner, we continue to look into the amazing Zelda covers we hear pretty much every day. There’s always a bountiful amount of them to choose from, and so many of them are masterfully performed. The one we’re looking at today is a piano cover of the eerie calmness that is the Song of Healing from Majora’s Mask.

This piano arrangement comes to us from musician Laurence Manning, who has actually been playing piano since the age of three. According to Laurence, she’s always been a big fan of the Zelda series, with the score from Majora’s Mask being her personal favorite. Laurence has also done Zelda covers of songs fromĀ Ocarina of Time, Breath of the Wild, The Adventure of Link, Twilight Princess, and more.

She’s also done piano arrangements inspired by series like Final Fantasy, Super Mario Bros., Shovel Knight, and League of Legends. Laurence is currently pursuing a doctorate in piano interpretation at the University of Montreal, and she is more than happy to share her piano performances with the world.

What do you think of this cover? Will you be checking out anymore of Laurence Manning’s work? Let us know in the comments below!

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