The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, although it didn’t have the best sales when compared to its competition, it was definitely the most hyped and anticipated of them all. It has even gotten the most votes for game of the year in many different competitions. Why it hasn’t outsold other major titles is beyond me, but it has done very well for itself and all those copies had to ship from somewhere, right?

In fact they did. A lot of the copies, maybe even the ones currently loaded into our Wiis right now, came from a place known as North Bend, WA, where a Nintendo distribution center is located. A photo taken by Ted S. Warren has surfaced showing off a jaw dropping amount of Skyward Sword copies, 25th Anniversary CDs, and how they look before going in the case and getting into the consumers hands. To see a more detailed image of this huge stack of copies, make the jump inside.

I’m always curious to find out every detail of what happens before a game actually reaches the store shelves and this picture sheds a bit of light onto that mystery for me. I wish some more pictures would have surfaced with this one, but I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t mind having all those copies of the 25th Anniversary CD or the Skyward Sword games either. Let us know what your thoughts on the picture is in the comments below.

Source: Kotaku Via GoNintendo

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