Over at the Terraria Forums a man by the name of Levaunt has created a Zelda-themed texture pack for Terraria. For those of you who don’t know, Terraria is a 2D sandbox styled game (Kind of like Minecraft) exclusive to Steam. Levaunt has changed all the monsters in the game to match those of Hyrule, and re-skinned the character, items, landscape, and weapons, to all look like something out of a Zelda game! He has even added a silent Navi to help light the way (literally) while exploring the caves and dungeons of the game. His forum post includes a full guide on how to install it, as well as images of all the things he has changed and added to the game.

My personal favorite addition to the pack is the fact that the moon is now the moon from Majora’s Mask, watching over everything you do. Are ou a fan of Terraria? Ever heard of it? What’s is your favorite change in this texture pack? Leave your answers in the comments below!

Source: Terraria Forums

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