Tate Plays The Legend of Zelda

The YouTube group GoldenTotProductions has recently posted their latest video which takes a humorous look at the original Legend of Zelda. Overall the video is a guide introducing the game to anyone who might not have played it. However it is filled with plenty of animations, references, and other various continuity jokes that many a Zelda fan would instantly pick up. Be warned there is a lot of explicit language in this video.

Jump inside to check it out for yourself.

I have some fond memories of playing the first Zelda many years ago so I do love anything that gives it some credit. Even if it is a video that calls Link Zelda throughout. The animations were pretty good and the editing worked out well. I liked how they faked the charge up attack, if they did not say anything I’m sure a few people might have assumed it actually existed.

Source: YouTube

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