zelda-musou-treasure-box-363923.22 Is this the real life, or just fantasy? I feel like we American Zelda fans are caught in a landslide with no escape from the cruel reality. The Hyrule Warriors Twitter recently gave us our first good glimpse at what the special edition Treasure Box will look like when placed on a shelf, and it’s wonderful.

To get a good look at these pics, just follow after the jump.

Just looking at these makes my mouth water. How I wish Nintendo was bringing these over to the States. Japan is getting the whole package, and so is Europe, but why are we in America denied the opportunity to clutter our storerooms with even more Zelda trinkets?

Perhaps if Hyrule Warriors sells well in America, we may be rewarded with these items in Club Nintendo. Heaven knows that store is in desperate need of interesting stock.

What do you think of the Treasure box? How far would you go to get a hold of these collectibles. Speak your mind in the comments below.

Source: Twitter

Sorted Under: Hyrule Warriors