Tag: Zelda II

Hey I’m grump, I’m not so grump! The comedic minds behind the best Zelda rap ever are now powering their way through the land of Hyrule in Link‘s second NES game, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Danny “Sexbang” Avidan, one of the Game Grumps, is a veteran player of this specific Zelda title. Arin Hanson, a co-founder of the Game Grumps, knows next to nothing about it. It’s amusing to see Arin’s genuine reactions to the game, compared to Danny’s plethora of Zelda II knowledge…

For the past six months The Game Theorists’ contributor Trailer Drake has been doing a Smash Move Analysis of several characters from Super Smash Bros for 3DS and WIIU. This week The Game Theorists turn their attention from the moves of our favorite Nintendo characters and focus on our favorite stage- Hyrule: Temple. Drake takes to the lore of Zelda and tries to find where this iconic smash level got its inspiration from. Take a look at the analysis after…

Many of us hold Zelda II, from the NES era, as the hardest game in the entire series. It appears in our nightmares, and remembrances of the dreaded Death Mountain sometimes makes us wish we were actually dead. However, despite how unfairly difficult and unforgiving this game is, Swedish gamer Pro_JN has managed to establish a new speedrun world record—at 00:18:53, no less. Read after the jump to see how.

Popular YouTube artist Smooth Mcgroove has done it again!—This time around he covers the Palace Theme from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Smooth Mcgroove has released a wide variety of video game covers, with a large majority of them being Nintendo related. This rendition is certainly nothing short from his other unbelievable covers available on his YouTube channel. Hit the jump to take a look!

As you may already know, Nintendo unleashed an exciting new edition of Nintendo Direct revealing brand new 3DS and Wii U titles for 2014. Unfortunately, no new Zelda titles were shown, yet Nintendo has revealed that NES Remix 2, a collection of classic NES titles with brand new challenges, will be released on Wii U. The great news is Zelda II: The Adventure of Link will be a part of this new collection! NES Remix 2 allows the gamer to use Link…

Our second matchup in round one features two games that have many Zelda fans on the fence. The Adventure of Link is often chastised for being too different, too difficult, and too much of a departure from the traditional series style. Skyward Sword is often chastised for it’s lack of exploration, wonky controls (I had no issue, but I recognize others did), and to many it felt uninspired. Whatever your opinions of these games may be, neither are highly revered among the fan base. The real question is, which one do you like the most? Head inside to vote!

There are a ton of different music tributes made for the Zelda series. It is amazing to see what some of these fans can come up with. YouTube user Jaron Davis has created a cover of the Palace theme from Zelda II. The cool thing about this particular cover is that it is acapella (no instruments). This is definitely a very creative take on the iconic theme from the NES classic. Watch the video after the jump!

Good day, Zelda fans. Minish Pants here, with yet another article discussing our favorite parts of certain Zelda games. This week’s entry is commonly considered to be the “black sheep” of the franchise for many reasons. It almost completely strayed away from the standards set by its predecessor. At the time, however, there were only two Zelda games, so accusing The Adventure of Link of “breaking tradition” is a tad nonsensical. However this side-scrolling adventure is the only Zelda game…

In Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, gamers were treated to the same music through every dungeon… except one. After Link had cleared the six main Palaces of the game he eventually came to the final challenge: The Great Palace. This was one of the hardest levels in the game, and it also came with the unique treat of having its own music… which was quite the memorable piece at that. As one of the first pieces of Zelda music…

With all the excitement that E3 brings for gamers, one of the highlights for me is seeing people taking the opportunity to sit down with developers and talk with them about… well, everything. Kotaku writer Stephen Totilo recently had this chance in a Pikmin 3 playing session with the famous Shigeru Miyamoto, and he asked a few questions that some people have not touched on before. Among the things Totilo asked Miyamoto, there was not much Zelda discussion, but a…