Tag: Wii

Starting to realize that you’re getting older? You’re not the only one. For Zelda fans, this comic embodies just that. This comic, created by Alex Di Stasi as part of the Corpse Run series, is a comical representation of aging. Make the jump to see the comic!

It’s not too often that console mods show up, but today we’ve found something spectacular. The Zelda-themed Wii you see in the image to your left is a full on shell mod of the soon to be outdated console. Unfortunately, there’s no clear way to buy one of these, but it’s still something worth looking at. The mod appears to consist of textured plastic, this Twilight Princess collector’s item and a well-done paint job. Make the jump for more information!

Nintendo fanatic heylistenitsjess from Tumblr recently posted a gold NES dedicated to the Legend of Zelda franchise, complete with NES controllers. Equally impressive, the fine folks at Crystal Icing created an “iced” Nintendo Wii with the Twilight Princess cover art on one side and the Hylian crest on the other. Crystal Icing uses Swarovski Crystal to decorate accessories, and they did an especially fantastic job on the Wii. Although the NES and Wii were decorated differently, they are both amazing…

Youtube user RoccoB64 has uploaded a video providing a hilarious look at some of the frustration that can occur with Skyward Swords motion controls. Rocco takes these problems and reenacts them in public, gaining some amusing reactions from onlookers. It’s not every day you see a man walking the streets with a Wii remote in his hand, appearing to control some guy dressed as Link. Although, I’m sure if I saw that I would be a lot more excited than…

Last week I talked about people who say Skyward Sword’s motion controls were unresponsive and put forth my own arguments against that. This is something of a follow-up, but it will be a bit different: I’m going to list solutions to some of the control problems I’ve heard of. Don’t worry, this is a one-time thing; I won’t be talking about Skyward Sword’s motion controls this much in future posts! As I said in my last post, Skyward Sword’s controls…

Last week’s Video Game Conference had a few unexpected mentions of the Zelda series. We already covered Cliff Bleszinski talking about how he was picked on as a kid for liking the Zelda series. Today we have something a little bit more interesting. Mark Rein, vice president of Epic Games, has stated in an interview with Eurogamer that while he was impressed, he believes his studio’s Unreal Engine 3 could do so much more for the next Zelda on Wii…

The Legend of Zelda series is a little famous for having glitches. Some can make the game more fun for the player, but occasionally we come across a few bad eggs. Ocarina of Time being, most notable for having glitches that can completely change the game for a fresh new experience. Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword both have a famous game breaking glitch. It seems another bad glitch has popped up for Skyward Sword and while it isn’t considered game…

Recently, a Q&A interview with Shigeru Miyamoto was posted about the Wii and 3DS. None of it was Zelda-related, but if you want to read the whole thing, be sure to check it at MercuryNews.com. However, there was one thing we thought should of been pointed out and that was Miyamoto’s response to a question about the Wii and Skyward Sword. Although The Legend of Zelda series mainly focuses on intense gamers, according to Miyamoto, Skyward Sword was mostly aimed…

Super Smash Bros. is a great fighting series of video games that takes many different characters from the main Nintendo series and puts them all in one game to fight. The series started with a hand full of Nintendo characters and over the years has slowly been adding several new characters not only from Nintendo, but from other franchises as well. With every new Super Smash Bros. game that is announced fans try and theorize about the roster and which…

Looking for some more 1:1 footage examples of Skyward Sword in action? Perhaps you’re still fuming over that GameSpot review and are eager to find more evidence to prove Tom Mc Shea wrong? Look no further: Josh Thomas from TheBitBlock has posted a splendid rebuttal video showcasing how accurately Skyward Sword reacts to motions. This is also a good idea of how fun the controls are; his expressions are priceless. Jump inside for the video!