Tag: Title Screen

Slowly, in one minute segments, A Link Between Worlds gameplay is being released to the Internet. It seems like we’ve gotten so many gameplay videos already that before the release next week the entire the entire 18 or so hours of A Link Between Worlds will be available to watch! Today we’ve got four videos to watch, including the full title opening! Hit the jump to see!

Between Canada Day and Independence Day, this has been quite the patriotic week for North Americans. When thinking about what song I should feature today, I was trying to come up with a way to tie in this week’s holidays to the feature. A few ideas came to mind, but none really worked right… until I thought of national anthems. Canadians have “Oh, Canada.” Americans have “The Star Spangled Banner.” These songs are so reminiscent of their countries, you can…

Anyone who has played The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past can instantly recognize the iconic introduction where the floating pieces of the Triforce come together and the Master Sword pierces the “Z” in “Zelda.” But have you seen this before in HD? This video, uploaded by YouTube user tpfalcon14, depicts just that. Make the jump to see the video!

This week’s selection is a swing cover of the Ocarina of Time title screen song on guitar. This comes to us from youtube user crunkykong. What do you think? Pretty catchy huh? Let us know what you think by commenting!