Tag: Royal Guards

Some time ago, an Indiegogo page came up to collect fund for a Zelda-based web series, called Royal Guards. The crowd funding was successful, and after a whole lot of work, and some major setbacks causing them to almost completely redo their production, the pilot episode is finally here! It may not be exactly what many thought it would be, but it is still very good. The short episode is heavily Zelda-inspired, and is definitely worth a watch. Check out…

There are many fan projects all over the internet, but one we fully believe in is Royal Guards, a comedy/adventure fan web series based on the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time. At least… for season one. We had a chance to sit down with the people behind this webseries to discuss how it came to be, and what the future holds. Of course, this series is still under crowd funding with just a week left, so if you’re convinced by the end of this interview… why not support it

There have been several series made over the years that focus on various aspects of the Zelda universe. Only one series has been official but that hasn’t stopped fans from creating their own and putting their own views and ideas into the franchise. A fan made live action series is currently in development written and directed by J. Derek Howard based during the events of Ocarina of Time. The subjects they could have chosen are numerous. Ganondorf’s evil schemes to…