Tag: GenGame

If you’ve been reading Zelda Dungeon for the past few days, you’ll know that Alex at GenGAME has been playing through Darksiders II, which Mases has labeled as “the best Zelda game since Majora’s Mask.” And now that Alex has finished his play through, he seems to agree with that sentiment. All of the details are in his review, so hit the jump to read!

Earlier this month, Alex over at GenGAME got his hands on a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Darksi- I mean, just Darksiders II. If you don’t know already, this THQ/Vigil created title is heavily inspired by the Zelda series, and Mases has even called it “The best Zelda game since Majora’s Mask.” And like any great game, Darksiders II pulls the good parts out of Zelda and makes plenty of improvements that perhaps the Big N could learn from. Hit the jump to read Alex’s analysis!

Majora’s Mask 3D and Operation Moonfall are two concepts which have been floating around the internet for a while now. What with the most recent “end of the world” claims receiving much media attention around the world, interest in a Majora’s Mask remake has been piqued once again, the most recent claim being that Nintendo is planning to announce such a game on the 21st of December; the day which the world is supposedly said to end, according to the…

A lot of Zelda fans have asked if Retro Studio needs to be the frontrunner in creating a title in the series considering Nintendo may need to change the popular franchise’s direction to better suit the Western appeal. The opposition to this idea think Zelda would be ruined if taken outside of Nintendo EAD’s grasp. Our sister site-GenGAME-has once again written another Zelda article which should intrigue your interest on the subject being discussed. GenGAME has given five reasons as…

One thing the Zelda series has become over the last 26 years is less difficult, especially with fighting enemies. Some fans would consider the easier enemies a terrible thing to have befallen the Zelda series, and there’s no doubt Alex at GenGAME is one of those people. Whilst taking a look at Skyward Sword’s enemy hoard at the end of the game, the GenGAME article evaluates the Zelda franchise’s overall difficulty, and calls for more challenging adventures in the future. Hit…

GenGAME: Bring on Zelda 3DS

December 07 2012 by Timothy

Our general gaming counterpart site–GenGAME–has written an article stating why Nintendo needs to reveal a new Zelda title for the 3DS soon and the ways a Zelda 3DS title could be an excellent game. There are some very interesting points reflecting on the type of control system, graphic design, and aspect of gameplay needed to create a memorable experience for the player of this upcoming 3DS Zelda title. You can view a summary of GenGAME’s thoughts on a Zelda 3DS…

A recent article on sister site, GenGAME, briefly examines an opinion I’m sure many of us hold: Nintendo should release a collection of HD Zelda remakes for the Wii U. With projects like Operation Moonfall showing outright the fans’ support of remakes of popular Zelda games, an HD Zelda collection would probably be welcome within the gaming community. Hit the jump for more on this!

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia will be released in the West in just under two months time with fans of the series gearing up for an extensive read into the world of Hyrule. Quite a number of standard editions of the much-anticipated guidebook have been pre-ordered and demand is set to be high after the long wait for its localization outside of Japan. To create even more hype for Hyrule Historia book publisher Dark Horse is planning on publicizing…

Nearing the end of their “Countdown to Wii U” series, our sister site GenGAME recently posted an article discussing the possibilities of a multiplayer Zelda game for Wii U. They touch on Four Swords Adventures‘ gameplay and how its requirement for multiple systems would be solved with the Wii U GamePad, but there is also a question of what other possibilities could exist for future Zelda games. Some of their suggestions are quite intriguing, and you can check it out…

Our sister site GenGAME has posted an article stating why they think Nintendo has taken the Legend of Zelda series into consideration when designing its upcoming home console, Wii U. GenGAME heads into detail about how the Wii U GamePad could be implemented, whether Zelda Wii U should be like Battle Quest, the idea of an in-built notebook, different types of controller options, graphic design, and plenty more! Would you like to know more about GenGAME’s thoughts for Zelda on…