A lot of Zelda fans have asked if Retro Studio needs to be the frontrunner in creating a title in the series considering Nintendo may need to change the popular franchise’s direction to better suit the Western appeal. The opposition to this idea think Zelda would be ruined if taken outside of Nintendo EAD’s grasp.

Our sister site-GenGAME-has once again written another Zelda article which should intrigue your interest on the subject being discussed. GenGAME has given five reasons as to why Nintendo’s Western developer, Retro Studios, needs to take over the reins in regard to the Legend of Zelda series and why they should be trusted to develop a fantastic title for the franchise. This is a well-written article not worth missing out on!

Click the jump and read GenGAME’s five reasons on why Zelda needs to land in the hands of Retro Studios!

Here is a brief summary of GenGAME’s five reasons for giving Retro Studios the opportunity to create Zelda:

1. Retro Studios’ developed the Metroid series amazingly well.

GenGAME launches the article by describing Retro Studios’ involvement in the changing of the Metroid series allowing for further innovation from side-scrolling to a full 3D viewpoint and also believes their overworld-designing knowledge would greatly add to a fascinating Zelda environment.

2. Retro’s art department knows how to create visuals.

GenGAME also points out that Nintendo’s art direction has been all over the board and states that Retro Studios graphical design record would greatly influence a Zelda Wii U title.

3. Mainstream gaming has no regard for Zelda’s relevance.

GenGAME uses the example of Skyrim to make a statement that Zelda is no longer the most wanted action adventure on the video game market. They say Skyrim’s massive amount of popularity in parallel to Skyward Sword (which has been on the market for approximately the exact amount of time) is a shame to Nintendo’s credentials. Zelda’s remarkable world is no longer considered the greatest which gives Retro Studios the chance to stamp Zelda’s name back into that category.

4. Retro’s influence a big plus for Zelda’s needed innovation.

GenGAME recognizes that Retro Studios acts on titles similar to Nintendo yet keeps it a little different with a Western influence. Retro clearly wants to extend beyond the required development needed to make a Nintendo title and want to create as close to perfection as possible.

5. Zelda fans want Retro to make a new Zelda title.

The main reason GenGAME thinks Retro should take on Zelda is because of the fan’s desire to see it happen. Most fans do not want Zelda to remain under lock and key in Japan but, instead, be allowed to grow beyond Japanese control and let Retro show its worth by producing a masterpiece title in our beloved series.

You can read the full GenGAME article by clicking here.

Do you agree with GenGAME’s reasons for Retro Studios to take on the role of creating a new Zelda title? Would you like to see Retro Studios develop Zelda? If so, would you want Retro to create a Zelda title for Wii U or 3DS? Let us know your thoughts and opinions below!

Source: GenGAME

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