Tag: Eiji Aonuma

Our weekly podcast keeps chugging along, with special guest PaperBoxHouse. We sit down to talk about the recently released Mario Party 10, the new trailer for the movie Pixels, and the recent string of interviews with top Nintendo executives. Your host as always for this week is Adam (who can’t pronounce anything properly), and your cast of lovable adventurers includes: Jake (wants a Gold Mario Amiibo), Caleb (triggered as usual), and special guest for this week Alfred/PaperBoxHouse (he’s still holding out for Super Mario Galaxy 3). Tune in to hear our weekly news roundup, as well as Adam’s secret Kingdom Hearts/Metal Gear Solid fan fiction…

Many would agree that Majora’s Mask has some of the strongest characters in the entire Zelda series. Eiji Aonuma has admitted before that the game was meant to appeal to a more adult audience, and this fact is proven in the well-developed, more serious characters. In a recent interview with Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, Aonuma explained how many of the characters and scenarios present in Majora’s Mask are inspired by the developers’ personal experiences, some of which being extremely serious…

In a recent interview with Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma took the time to speak more on the one year development cycle of the original Majora’s Mask. While we may have already seen several interviews regarding the subject, this particular one gives some insight on how the team was affected by the heavy workload. He also explains how he and Yoshiaki Koizumi (current Mario series producer) divided their efforts to successfully finish the game…

Eiji Aonuma is the current producer of the Zelda series – essentially the main person behind the entirety of the series – a role he took over from Shigeru Miyamoto a little over a decade ago. He joined the team during development of Ocarina of Time and hasn’t looked back, playing major roles in every Zelda game developed by Nintendo since, and approving of many others – such as the Capcom games and Hyrule Warriors. Today he turns 52, which is a great age, but also showing how he won’t be able to do this forever. Still, while he has a decade or so left of Zelda game development in him, today we’re here to celebrate everything he’s brought us so far.

The art above is by RYO on Miiverse and it was created in celebration of his birthday. It perfectly encapsulates Eiji Aonuma today with his most recent release. Have you enjoyed the Eiji Aonuma era of Zelda games? What is your favorite memory from his work on the series?

Every Zelda fan has to have his or her first Zelda game. Every fan has to experience the game that initially grabs attention and captures imagination, thus leading to a lifetime of Zelda love. Every fan has to start somewhere. I’m sure most of us have tried to introduce that first game to many of our loved ones, ending in some degree of success or failure. If we choose the wrong game, we may alienate and lose a potential fan. If we choose the right game, we have successfully created a lifelong fan. We all want the latter situation, so let’s discuss which game is best fit to appeal to Zelda newcomers…

If there is one thing for Zelda U we know with absolute certainty, it’s that the development team intends for the game to be in a massive world – certainly the biggest world we have seen to date in a 3D Zelda game. While we don’t know any exact dimensions yet, we now know that not only can you travel to those mountains in the distance… you can actually pass over them to the other side. In a new interview via Nintendo Extra out of the UK, Eiji Aonuma explains how players will be traversing mountains and valleys…

A new addition to Nintendo Extra, a UK exclusive online magazine of sorts by Nintendo themselves, includes a rather interesting interview with Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. While the first part, as claimed, is for beginners and offers no new information, the second part, marked for advanced players, brings up some rather interesting information about how the Zelda team comes together to create puzzles for a new game. It appears that this is a massive collaborative effort, although there are times Eiji Aonuma…

The time has come once again to use expensive software for trivial purposes: a Photoshop Contest is upon us!

We’re asking readers to submit the funniest, most creative, or most awe-inspiring pictures they can produce within the guidelines we suggest. This week, we’re using Photoshop to send Zelda series producer, Eiji Aonuma, to a place he doesn’t want to revisit. But first…

Select Best Buy locations around the US are holding a special event tomorrow (March 7th) at which visitors can demo certain New 3DS XL games, such as Majora’s Mask 3D, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, and Super Smash Bros. While this all sounds great and fun, visitors who bring their own 3DS systems will also have a chance to receive a special Eiji Aonuma Mii character. Head to one of the select Best Buy locations tomorrow and the Zelda producer may have a home on your 3DS forever…

As the release of Majora’s Mask 3D drew closer, we heard a lot about how the development team approached changes from the original N64 game. Aspects like pacing and difficulty were tweaked in certain ways to help players understand and push toward objectives. With the game finally out for a few weeks, Eiji Aonuma recently spoke to Game Informer about how his team approached these changes, discussing pacing, boss fights, and more…