Tag: Cuccos

An ordinary domestic Cucco may appear a gentle and harmless creature…That is, until a button mashing temptation to hack and slash kicks in. As many players are well aware, an enraged Cucco often guarantees a game over. YouTube game theorist Dr. Willy recently revealed the eye opening truth of a Cucco’s wrath and the endurance that only their immorality can withstand. Take the jump to check it out!

Have you seen the new Jurassic World movie yet? Well, if not, I’m sure you’ve seen the #PrattKeeping meme that has been circulating the internet in which people mimic Chris Pratt’s defensive pose against three dinosaurs but with other animals. Kayden007 seems to have joined in on the fun, as our beloved Zelda series has a fearsome creature of it’s own. The surprisingly aggressive Cucco. And Kayden007’s T-shirt design features Link prattkeeping against three rather angry-looking Cuccos. You can find…

It looks like Cuccos have found a new home on the stages of Super Smash Bros. In today’s Super Smash Bros. pic of the day, Massahiro Sakurai introduced cuccos as the newest item in the Super Smash Bros. series. The immense fury from an angry cucco has proven to be deadly in previous Zelda titles, who knows how much damage they’ll might deal to you or an opponent? Hit the jump for a look at today’s screen featured on Miiverse!

Ever wondered how it would look to play Ocarina of Time entirely in first person? You might not want to after seeing the horrific wrath of this gang of cuccos. Even so, what if you wanted to lash out on all those rupee filled pots in that room in Hyrule Castle Town, all in first person? So you get the idea, and you’ve probably experienced a little bit of first person in Ocarina of Time 3D, but thanks to Machinima,…

Cuccoo for a new Zelda tee? “The native Hylian cuckoo is one of nature’s most endearing creatures: peaceful, inviting, and even playful at times. That is… unless they’re startled.” These friendly Cuccos, seem to be suffocating Link and Zelda in tender way. Available now at Sanshee, you can have this adorable yet humorous Zelda t-shirt for a reasonable price of $20 USD. Plus they ship internationally, hooray! Jump inside for more details!