Tag: app

In 2012 the heavily Zelda-inspired game Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas released in the app store, but now its adventure and JRPG elements have made it popular enough to be picked up by Steam. It is available for purchase in the Steam Store for $14.99 and has received very positive reviews. Oceanhorn is an adventure game set in a world that blends fantasy and technology, its story surrounds an ancient sea monster that tirelessly tries to hunt down the player;…

Have you ever been struck by the overwhelming urge to play the original Legend of Zelda, but happened to be stranded in public without a 3DS? For those of you who’ve experienced this struggle, computer programmer Rich McLaughlin has got you covered. In an effort to combine his love of videogames and JavaScript, McLaughlin created The Legend of Zelda in browser-based HTML5 using Canvas. He had to recreate the game from scratch, so he made some minor changes along the…

Recently added to the Android Market is an interesting fan made widget that displays the familiar heart meter instead of the standard battery life meter. Three hearts resembling the ones from the Legend of Zelda will replace the old battery life meter and will count down as the battery is used up, or until it runs out of life of its own. The hearts are customizable and there are a few instructions given that will show you not only how…